Hej Hej,
Welcome to prettysucks!
It's wonderful that the endless world of the internet has led you here. And now to your question: Who or what is prettysucks? It's not easy to describe oneself but we will give it a try!
Less is more
prettysucks is a new fashion label that was brought to life in April 2011 in Hamburg. We mainly specialise in graphic shirts, but meanwhile you can also find jewellery, bags and shoes in the shop.
Our inspiration comes from the blogger, graphic and music scene. Printing them on textiles, our designs stimulate to think and dream. Sometimes these creations even have an ironic statement in them.
prettysucks is characterized by a very natural and unperfected style. Just through the sparing use of colour and clear forms, our collection maintains a certain aesthetic and recognition.
Don’t let us out of your sight!